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Xarici Məqalələr

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Ilgar Najaf’s SUGHRA AND HER SONS: Resistance to Soviet Rule in Azerbaijan during World War II

Sughra and Her Sons (85 min., 2021), directed by accomplished Azeri director Ilgar Nara. This beautifully shot monochrome film tells the story of a strong woman and her two sons who live in a remote village in the mountainous region of northern Azerb...

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Suğra ve Oğulları Boğaziçi Film Festivali'nde... 'Savaş kapınızı çaldığında saklanamazsınız!'

Suğra ve Oğulları, 10. Boğaziçi Film Festivali'nde! Oyuncu kadrosunda Humbat Ahmadzade, İlgar Jahangir, Pasha Mammadli ve Gunash Mehdizade'nin yer aldığı film, İkinci Dünya Savaşı yıllarında Azerbaycan'da geçen dramatik bir hikayeyi anlatıyor....

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One of the screenwriters, Dutch screenwriter Roelof Jan Minneboo asked a question by Sevda Sultanova, “As a Westerner, what difficulties did you encounter while writing an Eastern theme?” and the answer was “I do not accept the existence of the conce...

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Kerala has very sensitive audience: Azerbaijani actress Gunash Mehdizadeh

KOCHI: When the lewd village head Barat was killed by Ahad, the brother of a girl he raped, Tagore theatre erupted into huge applause. The reaction that the Azerbaijan film Sughra and Her Sons screened under the International Competition category gar...

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Sovyet zulmünü yeniden hatırlattık

Azeri yönetmen Ilgar Najaf, “Suğra ve Oğulları” filmini gerçek bir hikâyeden yola çıkarak çekmiş. Najaf, “Filmde kendi dedelerimin başına gelen ve tanıdıklarımın yaşadıkları trajediyi anlattım. Film, Sovyetler dağıldıktan sonra Sovyet emperyalizmini ...

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POMEGRANATE ORCHARD wins GoE Bridging The Borders Award at SEEfest

Burbank, CA May 3rd, 2018: Tonight at the closing ceremony of 2018 SEEfest, (South East European Film Festival LA.), POMEGRANATE ORCHARD, from Azerbaijan, directed by Ilgar Najaf, won GoE Bridging The Borders Award, presented by Cinema Without Borde...

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Pomegranate Orchard (2017) movie review

A seemingly normal life of a Pomegranate farmer, his daughter in law and the grandson is suddenly unsettled when his son who abandoned them 12 years ago returns in the middle of the night. The return brings along with it a sense of intrusion in their...

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Pomegranate Orchard to be screened at AWFF

The Asian World Film Festival (AWFF) brings the best of a broad selection of Asian World cinema to Los Angeles in order to draw greater recognition to the region's wealth of filmmakers, strengthening ties between the Asian and Hollywood film industri...

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Pomegranate Orchard by Azerbaijani director wins 2nd place at international festival

Report informs, screenshots of the movie held in Vlissingen, the Netherlands in Film by the Sea festival caused great interest of the audience and took second place in the festival....

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